“A rooster crows only when it sees the light. Put him in the dark and he’ll never crow. I have seen the light and I’m crowing.”
– Muhammad Ali

On January 28th – the Lunar New Year – we said goodbye to the capricious unpredictable Yang Fire Monkey and welcomed the more placid and practical Yin Fire Rooster. For many this calmer energy will be a welcome change. Roosters are characterized as organized, practical, decisive, territorial and particular. They posses strong ideals, are honest and critical, and value fidelity, punctuality, and proper behavior. They are leaders, who’s proud crow at dawn is a daily call to action, tirelessly commanding us to wake up and rise!
Because this is a yin-fire year there is an undercurrent of volatility, though it will not feel as chaotic as last year. Emotions will rise and reactivity will be heightened, but due to the changeability of fire, these bursts will be short-lived.
Because there is a yin or feminine aspect to this fire, the change it provokes has the potential to be warm and healing. This symbolic light will help to illuminate unresolved conflict and hidden truths, allowing us to confront the darker aspects of ourselves and grow as a result. If we can fine-tune and articulate our own principles and ideologies while remaining open to others, there is great potential for personal elevation and social transformation.
Personally, this will be year of enhanced intuition, heightened communication, and emotional sentimentality. The flash of the fire element can bring on quick change of emotions, short-lived anger, fear and anxiety. We need to be wise about where we spend our energy and choose our fights with care. On the whole, people will be more warm-hearted, charismatic, and charming and it will be easier to find happiness in simple pleasures. There is an optimistic aspect to the fire element that encourages playfulness and joy. In this coming year, individual prosperity will come in the form of self-realization, group-oriented action, and small, quiet acts of kindness.
Socially, this will be an important year for community. As clashes in values and beliefs come the forefront we will start to see a restructuring of institutions and a shift in thoughts, actions and influence. Chickens are social animals, so during this time people will feel more connected to one other and find comfort in the gathering of like-minded individuals. There will be power in masses and change will come through collaboration and assembling together. Charismatic leaders will emerge and with them a revival of hope and renewal of strength.
Information for this post was obtained from the following sources. Check them out for a more in-depth look at the year ahead: